The link of Apriori algorithm on DOMO BI Tool with python scripting tile.
To create an investment strategy based on distribution frequency of a stock price and comparing some statistical metrics among different stock prices. Here is the project description link.
The most interesting data source I feel like is stock market, I have been investing myself with the analysis I do. Here is the link of ICICI Stock price (NSE: ICICIBANK).
I am also learning Python Flask to integrate with Docker and deploy on GCP, so that I can make this analysis real-time.
Predicting Heart Attack: To create a classification model from a dataset given to predict future chances of having a heart attack. Here is the project link.
Have implemented all classification models to compare results.
- Logistic Regression
- Decision Tree Classifier
- Random Forest Classifier
- K Neighbors Classifier
Comparing and Plotting models: To visualize how different models perform on same data. Here is the project link.
Gross Earnings of Movies: Used python script to collect data and plotly library for visualization. This plotly library will be used in future in stock analysis page. Here is the output link.